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Boston Celtics

NBA Celtics report signing of Torrey Craig for $180 Million’s… See more

The Boston Celtics have made headlines with their latest acquisition, reportedly signing Torrey Craig to a massive $180 million deal. This surprising move undersrecos the team’s commitment to bolstering their roster with experienced and versatile players. Craig, known for his defensive prowess and ability to contribute on both ends of the floor, brings a wealth of experience from his previous stints with the Denver Nuggets, Milwaukee Bucks, Phoenix Suns, and Indiana Pacers.

Craig’s addition is expected to significantly enhance the Celtics’ wing depth, providing them with a reliable perimeter defender and a capable three-point shooter. His versatility allows him to guard multiple positions, which will be crucial in the Celtics’ efforts to contend in the increasingly competitive Eastern Conference.

The sizable contract, however, has raised eyebrows among fans and analysts alike. At $180 million, this deal places Craig among the higher-paid players in the league, a testament to the Celtics’ belief in his impact on the team. This investment indicates that the Celtics are not only focused on immediate success but also on maintaining a strong, competitive core for the future.

With this high-profile signing, the Celtics are sending a clear message that they are serious about their championship aspirations and are willing to make bold moves to achieve their goals.

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